- sleep in late
-read a few good books
-have a leisurely, home cooked real breakfast
- have breakfast at Melby's , AJ's Everything ( Stoneham store ),
Wicked Good Store ( Lovell) , Community House
or Stoneham Rescue fund raisers
-canoe, kayak, or rowboat across the pond or under the bridge into the other ponds
- ride your bike down a dirt road or logging road or snowmobile trail
- listen to the loons
-sit on your private beach, soak up some sunshine, and chat with family
-read and reflect
- walk the dirt road to the bridge
- visit Kezar Falls ( all 3 sets) by water or land via boat, bike, hike. or car
-take a swim
- "sun yourself" like a turtle on the float
- eat and snack
- sip your favorite beverage
- play a game or do a puzzle
- play a favorite card game
- get lobsters at a local store
- take a hike
- try a new church in the area on Sunday