Five Kezar Lake vacation IDEAS
- sleep in late
-read a few good books
-have a leisurely, home cooked real breakfast
- have breakfast at Melby's  , AJ's Everything ( Stoneham store ),
    Wicked Good Store ( Lovell) , Community House
    or Stoneham Rescue fund raisers
-canoe, kayak, or rowboat across the pond or under the bridge into the other          ponds
- ride your bike down a dirt road or logging road or snowmobile trail
- listen to the loons
-sit on your private beach, soak up some sunshine, and chat with family
-read and reflect
- walk the dirt road to the bridge
- visit Kezar Falls ( all 3 sets) by water or land via boat, bike, hike. or car
-take a swim
- "sun yourself" like a turtle on the float
- eat and snack
- sip your favorite beverage
- play a game or do a puzzle
- play a favorite card game
- get lobsters at a local store
- take a hike
- try a new church in the area on Sunday
The lake is a great place to slow down life. Sleep late. Do breakfast at leisure. Read that book. Enjoy the quiet of the outdoors. Sip your favorite beverage. Snack more than you should. Dream. Reflect.Enjoy.
Then, go something different!
Five Kezar Lake vacation IDEAS
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